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I used to be a HUGE procrastinator. High school, college… leaving for work and meeting people… I just would wait until the last minute, which led to a LOT of stressed out days and nights. I watched a TED talk on stress and how it’s possible to use that feeling in a positive way and make it work for you. (Thank you Kelly McGonigal) I posted the talk below because it really changed how I look at stress.

Now, as much as I am learning to turn this into a positive emotion, I would rather reduce the stress in my life that makes it “my friend”. In comes a host of self-help gurus, business coaches, and motivational speakers. I read all sorts of books… 7 Habits, Chalene’s PUSH, Eat that FROG, (side note – I’m petrified of frogs… the literal ones), and a variety of Tony Robins books. I loved each and every one. And they also confused the heck out of me. One said to spend 2 minutes doing this… the other said 15 minutes and then do that. Others said to manifest more time into your day while still others said I should work by osmosis. (Obviously, I’m taking extreme liberties here).

I think in the end what I learned is there is no one answer for everyone. We are all so different. We have completely different situations. On a perfect day, I wake up at 5 so I can work out and get ready for my day before the kids are up. I get my healthy activity in, have my first cup in peace and get to cruise twitter and set a few tasks in Trello. I have a daily planner, a google calendar, and a Trello system.

All these things work for me. It took a long time to figure out that I didn’t have to follow one plan. I had to create my own system. And I encourage you to do the same. Do your research, read the books, follow the blogs, find your role models, and then make it your own.


Here was my inspiration for writing this post…  How to Stop Procrastinating by Using the “2-Minute Rule”
AND the TED talk…


Author kendra

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