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Just had to share yet another great post from Gizmodo:

The New Airbnb Logo is the Sexual Rorschach Test for Our Time


I didn’t see this at ALL until this was brought to my attention. Now I don’t think I’ll be able to find a reasonable weekend getaway without blushing. So big tip for new designers… always check your work for sexual innuendos. I designed a beautiful graphic once for a DJ. It was one of my first freelance jobs and I was really excited to see the final printed piece. It was a tall graphic to be displayed at a wedding showcase. There was great color, a lot of energy and the crowd in the image was holding up the bride and groom on their shoulders while dancing. Everyone was smiling and the lights from the DJ booth looked great. He loved the final piece and so did everyone in the office. When he went to the show he was horrified when more than 7 future brides mentioned that the guy holding up the bride looked like he had his hand in a very precarious place because it was up her dress. Once he said it, I saw it too. Needless to say, he didn’t book me for a second job. Lesson learned.

Here are a few of the hysterical tweets about the Air BNB logo… enjoy!

Author kendra

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