When choosing an internship site, I wanted a place that would start me off on the right track in helping decide my career path.
I felt that MOKA was the perfect place to start my experience in the field of advertising and branding because of their strive to create unique content for each of their clients. The team is constantly setting goals for various projects, and always looking for the next step in helping the company grow to new heights.
My work at MOKA included various tasks throughout the time that I was here. In the beginning, I did mostly background research that would help either further a project or the company itself. Then, as the internship went on, I was able to gain knowledge on different programs that I would soon come to create different content that will be featured on different media sites.
One of my favorite parts about working at MOKA was the energy throughout the office and how close the whole team was.
They never made me feel like I was just the intern. They made me feel like I was a part of the team. My time at MOKA is an experience that I will never forget and I will be forever grateful for.
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